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Fiction writer

As an Author, Writer and tech-geek I must admit when I find cool tools that make the “hard” stuff easier, I get excited!

Ok, I Get REALLLY excited.

I want to share them with other people and it is especially nice IF those really cool tools are FREE!!!

I am a part of a FB community of authors. Our page is private and used for helping one another with encouragement, motivation, ideas, and stuff like that. Today, when I logged into my group page I found a really cool tool posted by one of our members.

This is an editing and proofreading software tool that you can use online for free.  Of course the free version is a limited version, but it certainly is an awesome work of art, none-the-less!

And for just $35.00 for the first year of use….Ummm, sign me up!

As an Author who is currently writing 2 separate fiction series, not to mention the children’s books I just began working on – this is a must make investment!

I will play around with the free version a little while longer until I get more of my copy written for my current 2 fiction series…..but I am now going to be able to edit for myself and I am totally stoked about it.

I will likely still look to fiverr to find someone else to also proof-read/edit them as well before I polish them up, BUT, I am really excited to see such an awesome gift today.  Wrapped up with a BOW and all!


Until next time – I wish for you Success!


