Day 3 of our Challenge – Be Intentional about the time you are devoting to this process!
Write out a 40 Day schedule right now!
Be Intentional!
Be Mindful!
Be Christ-Like!
Make the time to spend time with the Father.
Start NOW!!
Here are some ideas for Day 3-
40Days Of Lent Challenge 2016 – Day 3
- Pray for YOUR SPOUSE, significant other or Future spouse
- Pray for YOUR Family – to come to know Christ or to further their walk with Him
- Pray for YOUR Mom, Dad, Siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents AND YOURSELF
- Pray WITH your family -more than usual – say extra thanks to God, or Praise Him
- Pray WITH a stranger – from God’s guidance
We MUST be intentional for our hearts are weak. We must ask help from our Father to carry out His will for us.
Intentionally BLESS other people today (Or any day that you choose, or every day fro 40 days)
- Pay for the car behind you in the drive-through
- Pay for someone’s groceries at the grocery store
- Pay for someone’s dinner while dining out (anonymously)
- Give a homeless person a gift card/cash/food
- Write LOVE notes or prayers of affirmation to your family members
- Write a Jesus Loves you note and leave it on a stranger’s car, or in a public space to be found
- Meet a friend for lunch or an enemy – ask someone to lunch that you have a hard time understanding or getting along with – TRY to see them from Jesus’ eyes.