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Internet Marketing

SO – I am trying to get to know some of the in’s & out’s of the email marketing tool Aweber!  I must admit, I have wanted to jump into this game many times and just wasn’t quite sure where to start.

Now that I have accessed my account and started to get familiar with all the tools (and I am sure I still have plenty to learn) – I just Love this Internet Marketing tool!  It is SO awesome!

And WordPress even has a plug-in that allows you to put your forms on your blog without having to know how to move code or HTML around.  That is great for newbies.  I do know how to do those things and can certainly teach myself pretty quickly if needed, BUT with the WordPress plug-in you do not need to know how to do any of it!  It is the ease of copy and paste.

WOW!  Internet Marketing on a whole new level!
I was considering trying to start things out with a free mail client like mailchip, and that would have been an Internet Marketing mistake!  I am very glad I listened to the advice of fellow marketer and mentor/coach – John Thornhill!  He recommended the best and I am very glad he did and now I am doing the same.


Fiction writer

 TRY AWeber Risk Free Today!!


YOU will Love this Marketing Tool!  It will be on my resource page when I get it done, for certain.  It truly is an awesome value for the money.  And you can try it for just $1.00


Until next time – I wish for you Success!


