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I am sure you want to know why and I will tell you that the ideas that are floating around in my head just have to get a little more organized before I can tell you all of what I am thinking of…..BUT

***2012 is the year that I will be able to tell my husband that he can quit his JOB (FOREVER)!!!

And do whatever he wants to do with his time

***2012 is the year that will change the lives of my kids, my spouse, myself and my friends in ways they never thought possible.

***2012 is a New Year – but it has less to do with that and more to do with knowing what God put me here to do….finally!  (And now I am listening and following through with it – )

***2012 is about allowing those ideas that the rest of the world would say is a waste of time to become possible.

Every DREAM has a beginning and this dreams beginning is starting with this New Year!

Dream a LITTLE Dream and allow your imagination to take you to that place.

You MUST Dream it, and Believe it to Achieve it!

Fiction writer

Until next time – I wish for you Success!
