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This weekend was quite a BUSY time at our house.

Friday May 11th – was My Graduation day from College – I earned my Associates Degree from Parkland College, but did not attend my graduation Ceremony – as it was an important day in other ways as well.

It was my husbands 40th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to the Love of my life – Aaron Alan Przytulski

Fiction writer

Then we also had Thespian Induction and a celebration of the end of our “Drama” year at our high school – for our daughters.  Our two oldest daughters, along with our middle son were recently in our local High School Musical – “Oklahoma” and this has now came to a close.

Our oldest daughter, Destiny is a Senior this year, and she received her honor cords for graduation on this night.

And our Second oldest – Ashley was an Honorary Thespian!!      (Pictures later….I couldn’t get it to Upload properly and I am tired now)

This day kept us Busy, but with it being Mother’s Day Weekend – we stayed busy the whole weekend.  🙂
I am sure you all know what I am talking about.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!  TO ALL the Mother’s out there……

SO happy that my kids carried on our Mother’s Day Tradition and brought me Breakfast in Bed this morning – and the best part was to hear that my youngest, Noah who is nine was the one who planned it – and even kept it a secret for a whole day!!  What a wonderful spirit – I am so very Blessed with Five wonderful Kids!  I Love each one of them for their unique qualities and wonderful spirits.


Until next time – I wish for you Success!


