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I have decided that I will get my feet wet, or cut my teeth on my very first project and I have already begun….I will write an eBook to start and then maybe get into PLR.

I think that I Love writing so much and I Love to help other people so much that both of these things seem very feasible, but I do think that an eBook is the way for me to get started.

I actually have several ideas and I have been trying to make a list so that I do not forget any of the topics I want to write about…..and I am narrowing down the topic for the first one, as I type this post.  🙂

I will be in touch soon, I must look myself down now and get  writing!!!!

I Hope that you all have an awesome Thursday Afternoon and evening!  And if you have any ideas on what you would like me to write about, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know!  THANKS!!

 Fiction writer


Until next time – I wish for you Success!

PS- I just wanted to mention that while I was trying to delete all of the spam comments on here I accidentally deleted ALL of my comments – so MY APOLOGIES to anyone who had left a genuine comment and it is now gone.


