Day 10 of our Lent Challenge – Be THANKFUL
I know that it can be difficult to try to see things from a positive perspective sometimes. I know that in the really tough moments – attitude and grace must be an intentional element to our days. It must be a choice to choose grace, mercy, and thankfulness.
I am Thankful for many things that I never give a voice to. Right now I vow to be intentional today to THANK special people in my life. I vow to be more intentional moving forward in being Thankful for everything….even….er….hardship.
My husband and I attend Celebrate Recovery meetings each and every week at our home church – Crossroads church in Monticello, Il. We close each large group meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Many people are aware of the beginning of Serenity Prayer (the first paragraph), here is it in full.

If you are NOT sure WHAT Celebrate Recovery is – here is a short video to give you a glimpse in to it.
Celebrate Recovery 101
Here are some ideas for Day 10
40 Days Of Lent Challenge 2016 – Day 10
I am Thankful for –
- Papa
- The Holy Spirit
- His sacrifice, Dying my death
- Family
- Aaron
- Destiny, Ashley, Kyle, Zachery & Noah
- Salvation
- Being a U.S. Citizen (I love in a free world)
- Music
- Worship
- Clean water
- The Sun
- Free thinking
- Shoes
- Sisters
- Brothers
- Fiction Books
- Non-Fiction Books
- Writing
- Expression
- Love
- Grace
- Mercy
- Kindness
- Children
- Babies
- Friends
- Best Freinds
- People who “get it”
- People
- People who love you even when you are quite unloving in return
- Church
- Church Family
- Food on my table
- Celebrate Recovery
- My Home
- My Car (but this one is difficult)
I could keep listing things. I want to stop and encourage you to write your own list.
WHAT are you Thankful for??
Leave us a comment and let us know! Tell us YOUR story!
Big Daddy Weave – My Story
Come Back here for Day 11 – 40 Days Of Lent Challenge 2016 – Day 10
I will see you tomorrow for Day 11! Stay in Touch!
Tell us which things you are putting into practice with the challenge!

Until next time – I wish for you Success!