All on her own accord our daughter decided that she wanted to be the best that she could be and she busted her butt, and accomplished her goal – finishing High School ranked 5th in her Senior Class!
Of course we are proud of her, but we cannot take any credit in this awesome goal – as I, as her mother can tell you that on several occasions I tried to encourage her to lighten her load, as she was up every single night doing homework until the wee hours of the morning!!
She set a goal, she accomplished that goal and is now looking forward to the next chapter in her life!
Destiny will be heading to Illinois State University in the Fall where she will study Music Education and French!

And one more of our AWESOME cake – made by one of my very BEST FRIENDS – Jennifer McCoy!!!

All in all the weekend was wonderful and it was so nice to have family from far away visit with us and celebrate with this wonderful occasion!
I am so blessed with a wonderful family that **LOVES FIERCELY**!!!
Until next time – I wish for you Success!