Life moves forward…
If there is truth in anything….it is……life moves forward.
It doesn’t matter WHAT is going on.
It doesn’t matter WHAT has happened in our lives or in the lives of people we love.
LIFE throws curve balls.
Life can go black.
Life can send people into downward spirals or a sudden darkness can encircle our lives.
LIFE stops.
life moves forward
I have been to those places.
I have, unfortunately, visited many of them….
numerous times over the years.
It is, Just a fact of life. (Hey, wasn’t that a really cool show….errr….nevermind, showing my age)
In all seriousness.
Life. Moves. Forward.
It doesn’t matter if we are ready for it.
It doesn’t matter IF we want it to.
I have seen a great number of things this year/summer that has caused my life to be put on pause.
In February I took a tumble down the stairs in my house…..I thought it was really weird because I wasn’t quite sure how it happened.
Fast forward to July and I can tell you exactly what happened as one thing, physically, has led to many others. Life moves forward.
This picture depicts the outcome of the fall in February. I broke my pinky finger in 2 places, jacked up my wrist for a while with a terrible sprang and well…..that bruise was something and that is NOT even the worst of how it eventually looked. It was a little larger than a softball size. It was pretty sore for a bit.
Life moves forward – even when we wish we could make it stop.
Fast Forward a few months and we are into April and May of 2016. Life moves forward. It doesn’t slow down, but, sometimes life forces us to slow down….and take things at a slower pace. It did me. I had some issues come up in April and again in May but worse than in April and that landed me in the hospital with an emergency blood transfusion that was NEEDED to save my life!
Since that time I have been facing a great number of things with my health and making life altering decisions at a speed that I am NOT comfortable with. Life moves forward.
Life. Moves. Forward. It just does.
As the years’ tick by the time seems to be speeding up not slowing down. The days and weeks go by faster and before you know it another year has passed and you have no idea what happened to it.
I had several pots on the stove – trying to juggle them all while trudging through this life. Since my hospital trip, the burners have all been turned down to low. I had to be intentional about slowing everything down. I had to be intentional about life moves forward… a slower pace.
I am working on:
- Amazon FBA Business – it is on the main burner currently, as it produces the most fruit for our labor.
- My book series is coming along but is on the slowest burner yet.
- I am trying to juggle 4 different websites that all have different reasons for their existence.
- Amazon Associates is a focus for another stream of income. (2 of the sites previously mentioned)
- I just set up my first ad campaigns with Amazon for my FBA business AND for my writing.
- I just hired someone to do a book trailer for my boxed set of books for writing.
- In the process of trying to format my books for CreateSpace so that I can get physical books in the hands of my readers.
(A teacher has asked for print books so she can use our series in her classroom!!! For a FRIENDSHIP UNIT!!!! – THAT is exciting!!!!) - There is more – much more – but – life moves forward.
I am learning that it is OK – to hire people to do those things I DON’T LOVE to do. Or if I would need to spend a great deal of time learning to do them. I am familiar with making a book trailer but it was something that would have taken hours to put together. I hired someone on fiverr to do it for me and guess what? 2 days later it was DONE! And I was off doing other really important stuff while someone else worked on this for me!
Life moves forward… is going to happen whether we want it to or not. If we are so busy trying to squeeze in everything we want to accomplish we will miss the important aspects of any day.
This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
Life moves forward! Don’t miss it!
Be present!
Show up!
Be intentional!