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What a crazy morning of an emotional roller coaster……

I wanted to log into my Blog today to do a write up on The Kindling Training I am starting to really pour myself into only to see that my files had gone missing – they were NOT FOUND and when I logged into my hosting account I saw the dreaded words – “Your account has not been set up yet”

?????????? WAIT ????????????  I have been using this blog for almost a year, what do you mean my account has not been set up yet!!! 

Now – I know enough about the internet to know that this is not something you want to see and sometimes those issues do not get resolved – to the tune of loosing invaluable tools PICTURES and the like – so I felt a pinge of disbelief and a whole lot of stress well-ing- up in me –

SO – I did what I always do in the time of a **Tech Support Need** – I called Godaddy – (and I said a short little prayer – Please God – Guide the person on the other end of this phone to the right answer – Please God, don’t let this be a permanent delete situation)

And Matt answered the phone – ready to assist me – he was very patient and knew just what to look for – it took a few minutes and I am just fine with that – I honestly would have waited all day to recover the files – BUT it didn’t take THAT long –

Matt was patient, kind, understanding and very helpful.  He walked me very quickly through the steps that it would take to restore my files and when I asked him if he had any suggestions to keep something like this from happening again – he said – sure – change your godaddy password! 

Done and Done!  No problem Matt!

I know that Matt was just doing his “JOB” but I for one am so very thankful for people like Matt to show up to work – and to help someone who was feeling quite a bit of despair before I actually called.  I have had files gone forever – and so it was nice to know that Matt was there to help me.

Thank you Matt!  I couldn’t have done it without you!   I promise you I was telling you the truth about NOT deleting those files – I do not use the FTP File Manager – but at least I know now not to let too many days go by without checking on my blog – so that we can use the back up files if needed.

I learned a great deal and I was stretched in my ideas (EDUCATED) on some issues to do with this Blog and others that I work with.

I like learning – but I usually like it a lot better when I am not so emotionally attached to it – but I suppose we pay more attention when that is the case!

I am not sure where Matt is – or if he will EVER come here and read this – BUT I wanted to take a minute to Thank him for his help! I am forever greatful!

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Until next time – I wish for you Success!
