Day 5 of our Lent Challenge – Take Today – JUST for you to spend time with God. Pray and ask for discernment. Pray – BUT remember that it is supposed to be a TWO-WAY – Conversation.
After you pray – just BE.
Be still. Be still and know. Be still and know that He is God.
Listen. Be still and listen.
Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Be Intentional! Be Mindful! Be Christ-Like!
Making the time to spend time with YOUR Father is a choice. We all have choices. We all have many choices that we make every single day. Make the choice today to just spend some time getting to know your Father.
Here are some ideas for Day 5 –
40 Days Of Lent Challenge 2016 – Day 5
- Pray for guidance as you begin your alone time with the Father
- Pray for His knowledge to become clear
- Pray for God’s will to be carried out in your life
- Pray that your Father would cast Satan and all of his tactics away from you as you begin this journey
We MUST be intentional when it comes to making choices in our lives.
If we DO NOT PLAN, then we PLAN TO FAIL!
Make a plan! Be intentional.
- Plan your alone time with God & stick to it as best as possible
- Plan your Bible reading time
- Plan out your day/to-do list
- Plan a date night with your spouse – surprise them with this gift
- Plan a date night with each of your children, alone. special 1 on 1 time with both parents if possible
- Plan a surprise getaway
- Plan a simple back rub for your spouse before bed
Luke 6:31
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Come Back here for Day 6 – 40 Days Of Lent Challenge 2016 – Day 5
Lord I’m Ready Now – Plum
And I feel exposed
But it’s so beautiful
‘Cause this is who I am
I’ve been such a mess
Now I can’t care less
I could bleed to death
Lord, I’m ready now
All the walls are down
Time is running out
And I wanna make this count
I ran away from you
And I did what I wanted to
But I don’t want to let you down
Lord, I’m ready now
Lord, I’m ready now
I was so caught up
In who I’m not
Can you please forgive me
I’ve nothing left to hide no
No reasons left to lie
Give me another chance
Lord, I’m ready now.