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One Very Important Rule that we should all keep in mind whenever we do anything is to take care of ourselves.

We have to remember to take breaks, to keep the smiles coming and to watch for the days the sun is shining down on us to be able to capture those moments that you cannot get back.

Today – a dear friend of mine and I chucked our plans out the window and decided to go out to lunch with each other for some much needed, long anticipated girl time.  BOTH of us wanted to have a longer lunch, but we both have kids and other obligations so while we look forward to a longer lunch on a different day we took our hour and a half of “us”  time today and got  a little nugget of friendship that is lasting memories that we will have forever.

Thanks for going with the flow with me Debbie!  I Love you girl!

How does this apply to my blog???

Well, that is simple.  Be sure to take time to enjoy your life and capture the moments that we have today.

TODAY  may be all we have.  Our time is precious and invaluable.  Let the people you Love know that you Love them.

Let the little things become the big things even if it is ONLY for TODAY!

Make memories and then get back to your list of BIGGER things to do today!

Thanks for reading- Now – go and have a little “me” time,


Fiction writer

Until next time – I wish for you Success!

