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Valentine’s Day is not something that we really celebrate at our house….I mean, we Love each other and all, but we feel that we should make it a constant focus to always be working on our relationships.

No matter if we are talking about spouses, children, cousins, aunts, uncle, friends, strangers!  It simply doesn’t matter and we certainly do not buy into the notion that if we don’t “BUY” each other gifts we do not looooove each other……Please!

God has called us to Love each other even when we don’t deserve it. He has said that the greatest commandment is to Love one another!

Valentine’s Day is fun, and we do enjoy just another reason to snuggle up with each other or another day to be reminded that we are lucky enough to know what true Love is.

I am keenly aware that many people have no idea what true Love is….  sad, but true.

True Love is not about getting our own way….it is not about wishing things to be so…..it is not about being someone that you are not….

True Love is always patient and kind.  True Love will sacrifice no matter what the cost to self.

What has God called you to do this Valentine’s day?  Please share!

Fiction writer

Until next time – I wish for you Success!


