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What is a writing mentor?  ….And do I need one?

Recently I have had the honor of conversing with a great number of people about writing.  It is great to talk with people who have a like-minded goal.

I am getting close to publishing a series of short stories, under a pan name that I intent to brand.  I am trying not to get wrapped up in the excitement of it all, as I am not sure that I targeted this one right and it may not be a money making venture.  Either way, getting it done and working through the steps is just as important as the end result of branding and eventually making money at something I love to do.

I love to talk.  I love to share.  I love to tell stories.  Finding a way to get paid to do something I love is an awesome idea.  – And thus, I have figured out a way to do just that.

What is a writing mentor?

It is my opinion that having a mentor is a make or break deal.

In all facets of our life, we have choices.

In everything we do, we make choices.

How do we know what to do in life?

Someone, somewhere has taught us to use our common sense and moral compass….to make those choices and carry out our intentions.

BUT – what about the big choices we face?

What about the little choices we face?

I have heard it told many times – in all you want to accomplish in life – “find someone who has already achieved what you want and FOLLOW THEM!”

Do what they say, Do what they do…..trace their moves – watch them and do what they do if you want to be like them!

What is a writing mentor?

A writing mentor is someone you can look to to find the answers that you seek in any given situation in your writing career.

  • You can follow their examples
  • You can learn many, many things from your writing mentor
  • You can ask them questions
  • You can go to them for advice
  • You can use their influence for making great connections with others

Do I need one?
The answer to that question is a RESOUNDING – YES!!!!

IF you are serious about writing –
If you are serious about wanting to be successful with your writing,


My MAIN writing mentor is Geoff Shaw!

Geoff Shaw has a program called – Kindling – and it is by far and away the BEST money I have ever spent on the internet.

In Kindling – you pay a ONE time membership fee for a LIFETIME – Continually updated – Training program.

Inside the members area of Kindling you get access to all of the training that Geoff Shaw has put together and then – as bonus items – he continually updates things and lets us know about anything new that comes up with Kindle Publishing! (Or publishing in general)

IN addition to the training which is far and away the BEST of it’s kind – you also get access to the PRIVATE Facebook group of authors who, like you, are writing and publishing books.  The training I have received from the Facebook group alone is worth 5 times what I paid for Kindling and that doesn’t include the core of the program.

Not to mention, Geoff is personally available and truly answers EVERY email himself.  He is plugged into what he is doing.  He is successful and he cares about helping other people.

I think that Geoff Shaw is crazy for not charging more for the program.

My writing mentor is Geoff Shaw, but I have made many more connections along this path because I am a Kindling member.

What is a writing mentor? ….And do I need one?

The answer is – Having a writing mentor is the difference between being successful and being VERY SUCCESSFUL at what we do.

Just my two cents!


Until next time – I wish for you Success!
